Hello Friends, This blog is my response to the task assigned to us by our Prof. Dr. Dilip Sir in Paper Comparative Literature and Translation Studies. In this blog have a look at the overview of the articles. So, read understand and enjoy. Happy Learning! COMPARATIVE LITERATURE IN INDIA: AN OVERVIEW OF ITS HISTORY (Comparative Literature & World Literature) BY SUBHA C. DASGUPTA, JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT ● An overview of the trajectory of Comparative Literature in India. ● Rabindranath Tagore’s speech on World Literature and with a modern poet-translator as its founder. ● While British legacies in the study of literature were evident in the early years, there were also subtle efforts towards a decolonizing process and an overall attempt to enhance and nurture creativity. ● Gradually Indian literature began to receive prominence. ● Paradigms of approaches in comparative literary studies also shifted from influence and analogy studi...