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Celebration Committee Report

Committee Members, 

Khushbu Lakhupota 

Sneha Agravat

Hello Friends, 

In this blog there is the report of the celebrations that have taken place in the year 2020 to 2022 in Department of English, MKBU. 

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." – Henry Ford

1. International Yoga Day

2. ICT Day

3. Teacher’s Day

4. Farewell Function 

5. Welcome Function 

6. Independence Day

7. Republic Day

8. Virtual Literary Fest 2020

9. Hindi Day

10. Research & Dissertation writing workshop 4 Jan 2022

11. Translation Workshop 

12. Research Methodology Workshop 7 Jan 2022

“People of our time are losing the power of celebration. Instead of celebrating we seek to be amused or entertained. Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation. To be entertained is a passive state-it is to receive pleasure afforded by an amusing act or a spectacle.... Celebration is a confrontation, giving attention to the transcendent meaning of one's actions.

- Abraham Joshua Heschel

In our department various celebrations take place every now and then. But interesting thing is that the celebrations are not always for fun and entertainment but to learn something from each and every celebration. Academic Workshops are also part of academic life. They are important events where we learn something from guest speakers and experts. This is how we learn from the journey of our study life in department, which is not always boring but these celebrations make our life more memorable and meaningful, more beautiful and fruitful. 

All these events in academic life teach us to do team work effectively. We learn something new every time when we do some activities or just by being a part of the celebration. These celebrations help us to make our journey interesting. We learn to overcome the challenges that come our way and thus making each and every event more and more worthwhile. 

Celebrations are an important part of not only academic life but also of our normal life apart of education. Celebrations are important in life in a sense that they help us to keep going with more zest and enthusiasm. They are like power boosters that help us to accelerate the journey of normal life. Life is a celebrations of happy and sad events. Even exams are part of celebrations, that's why it's told "Enjoy Exams", truly exams are for limited period in life but real exam begins just after our completion of official education. So, these celebrations help us to lighten the tensed atmosphere and help us to cheer up our mood like little sunshine after rain. 

"Without true celebration discipline is obnoxious."

- Adi Da Samraj

Below you will find some images of the celebrations that took place in Department of English, MKBU in the year 2020 - 2022.

Thank you. 


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