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Learning Outcome - Research Methodology Workshop - 7 Jan 2022

 Hello Friends,

This blog is my response to the task assigned to us by our Prof. Dr. Dilip Sir. It's about learning outcomes from the Research Methodology Workshop organized by the Department of English, MKBU. So, Read, understand and enjoy. Happy Learning!

This workshop was divided into three sessions by three different teachers and professors. 

1. Importance of Research by Prof. J. P. Majumdar

2. Avoid Plagiarism: Qualitative research in the digital era by Prof. Dr. Dilip Sir Barad

3.  Citation: Tools and Techniques by Ms. Vaidehi Hariyani

Click here to view Sir's blog.

In the above video that is made by Dilip Sir, in this video, there are glimpses of the workshop.  It's a sweet and short video.

1. Importance of Research:

Research is a pattern of thinking in mind towards whatever we do in life. Research is a lifelong activity. It leads citizens to think systematically, to come to opinions. 

After Independence, last 40-50 years, in universities and colleges, enrollments have increased manyfold. Now focus is on higher education. We appreciate that growth, not only quantitative growth but also the quality of higher education. 

If a person who is graduate from college is not having basic skills like communication, pronunciation, and grammar is not good or up to mark, then it can be said that the quality of education is not so good and that person may not get a job which a graduate deserves. For that one needs to work hard at whichever level one works. 

"There is no substitute to hard work."

Students should try to master all front-level things, which form the basis of any institution to develop. To keep oneself not only at the best levels at local levels but also at national, international, and global levels. To be top at global levels, one needs a strong determination, a dream in mind to chase all the time, passion to achieve that dream. So, the performance should be of very high and good quality and for that one needs to have the capacity to think beyond the limits, to keep insights of far-reaching levels. Any dream to transform into reality, first of all, should begin as a tiny seed in the form of a thought, and then when the thought is nourished properly it develops into a giant big and beautiful tree that is what one calls a dream come true, a success, which is followed by more and more success. Success not only at national but also at global levels. 

You should be a master in all forefronts, in all aspects of life. Proper use of the words at a particular place, proper time, and the proper situation is also an art that needs to be cultivated. If observed at the present level then in any list in the first three digits at the global level we are not standing anywhere. Not even in the top 100. It is important to see what have we done in research? what is our contribution to research? How many patents have we filed? 80% of education is outside the classroom and only 20% in the class. Are we useful to society? How much? If we are not connected globally then we are missing something important in this world. We youth, people, are the human resources of the nation. In absence of highly trained men power, we should focus on higher education, skilled manpower.  

1 Part Text Book Education 

Another part of education - Awareness of Research 

Master students are the reservoir from where Ph.D. students come from. 

What is Research?

Systematic Scientific Inquiry

If the research is not proper then the judge will say that there are loopholes in production, method, the process is not proper. So the process should be systematic. Body of knowledge that deals in the process inquiry - Research Methodology. One mustn't go out of the system in the research that is not accepted on methodological grounds. If the research is using proper methodology then that research cannot be used or accepted. 

Government should provide protection, security. The philosophy of government has changed. Government as parents. It also sees the welfare of the people. Ultimately all the people are from society and social welfare is the public welfare. There are experts. Government and some bodies see the issues in the society. The government conducts systematic studies of the issues in society. For example, instead of age 18 girls should marry at the age of 21. The reasons found during the study are like girls have not attained maturity at the intellectual and mental levels. The decisions are not taken under ivory tower but a draft is passed in parliament and then it becomes a law. So the research should be systematically sound research. 

The way you initiate the communication, the way you address the people, the way you make people feel is also important. Many people and also the most commonly used is Friends for addressing the people in formal speeches and occasions. These are some moral codes of conduct that are important at all levels of success and whatever situation a person is in. If a person is highly successful in life but if that person forgets these basic moral values then all his success, greatness, and research are of no use. 


Problem - conditions for research, something we see a particular phenomenon, a problem. For some problems, we can't conduct research. So clarity of problem is also a pre-requirement to conduct research. Without a problem, it's not possible to conduct research. 

Reading of existing literature, content different than a news item, then we have to think about what we have read. The authenticity of literature we go through is also important. To check whether the source we are reading is authentic or not, otherwise, the information generated from it will also not be a reliable one or at least not valid to do further research. To do research we read, think, discuss, consult experts, and go for more detailed literature for a better understanding. Some things a learned person should have are the observative mind, seasoned mind, and seasoned eye. There are different perceptions of a single event or a thing because everyone has a different educational background, orientation is different. The other things that count are the training of mindset, experiences one goes through, and the way they shape a person's life. 

For example, a Fresh doctor - new academics, new technology, and on another hand a person who is in the field for many years - an experienced doctor can detect the disease, without any pathology or tests he can that this is the problem. Just for confirmation and conclusion, he goes for the reports and tests. 

1. First of all identify the problem for research. There should be a problem first.  

2. See a problem in a particular area - then see our comfort and capability in it. Are we competent to deal with the problem? Are we intellectually and methodologically comfortable in dealing with the problem? Am I eligible enough to deal with that problem? 

Not to look at the problems or guide but students emphasize that Sir I want this. If we are competent then go for it. If we are capable to do the research then and then only do or else we will spoil our life, time, and energy leading to mental stress and depression. 

3. There are certain situations like getting guidance, information not viable on many grounds then it's not possible to analyze and cannot get the conclusion.

Is it possible to get enough data for the research?

What is the response from the market? 

Availability of literature is a must to conduct systematic scientific research. 

4. Any presentation starts with gaps in the literature. So to find the gaps in the literature, a review/survey is necessary. It's not simply reading but collecting the relevant literature of our area, talk, geographical region are the factors that are necessary elements in research. 

Authentic newspapers like Economic Times also play a vital role in research. Today the scenario is different. Many things are available on an online platform. Not only to read it but to critically read it. 


Who has done what?

How he has done? The span of research and the geographical zone. Major conclusions. We have to make our own comments, see the loopholes in it, and make our own concluding paragraph to make. 

In the present study - modest - to bridge the gap, that is our real contribution. The purpose is to contribute something to existing knowledge or the research is no research. A person who wants to consume must be able to do it. If it doesn't add to the knowledge then why get the degree. There should be an original piece of research, a person's individual or collective contribution, and not CCP. If it adds to knowledge then only one is eligible to get the Ph.D. degree. 

Research is useful in business firms, for newspapers. Research is not only academic but business people, service providers also do research. Now research is the need of time. 

The Beauty of Research is that to talk and look in other disciplines also. To look at the behind, in the history, the background to form the bases, pillars of the research. 

RND - Research and Development.

2. Avoid Plagiarism: Qualitative research in the digital era by Prof. Dr. Dilip Sir Barad

For students and researchers, one's own thinking from one's own mind is necessary. Our contribution in any activity, presentation, and creativity matters the most. Sometimes our understanding is lost in the digital era. So to cultivate the habit of our thinking and understanding is a skill we need to develop through practice. That is required for the dissertation also. 

What is qualitative?

Avoid referring cites of school children while doing research at the college level and in research work. In digital cites, identify the qualitative work and resources. Visiting the library is also helpful in doing research or academic study. 

"Better to write wrong English or stupid things but don't do cut copy paste because it will spoil the reputation, one may have to resign the job with a bad name. Plagiarism Kills!"

- Prof. Dr. DilipSir 

Plagiarism case: MPhil thesis was copied.

Read more by clicking the below link...

Professor ends life after plagiarism allegation

Read more at:

"Read this news in the context of the plagiarism. . . . Do not cultivate the habit of CCP (cut-copy-paste). It is dangerous."

- Prof. Dr. DilipSir 

🌹So, From the above examples it can be said that plagiarism is just spoiling the ethics of research, and it is spoiling one's own career. In fact, by continuous practice, we can develop our own writing and thinking skills which we will like the most than of anyone else, just as we like things of our own choice the most, similarly, we will like our own skills, writing style and things the most. Reading a lot can also help in making our writing more enriching and a good vocabulary can be built.  
🌷 Integrity and honesty are good qualities that need to be cultivated in the digital era. Honest academic life. We should express our gratitude by giving like, comment and in this way one can practice honesty in the digital era, to give full credit to that person because an honest person has to practice honesty. 
1. Good to have a laptop while doing academic work and research. 
2. Get all the books, material handy while doing any kind of research.
3. Use MS word in laptop, bibliography, and such features. Make the optimum use of the things that we already have, use thesaurus (in review tab in word) to get synonyms. 

"If something is wrong then it is better not to do it even if the whole world is doing it because at any time the things may get caught and the degree can be of no use."
Prof. Dr. DilipSir 

3.  Citation: Tools and Techniques
After a long and tiresome day of two sessions by two teachers, it was challenging to continue to the third session. But with the care and guidance by teachers, also proved to be very helpful and informative. 
This session was dealt with by Miss Vaidehi Ma'am. In this session, it was taught how to do citations using different tools. There were tools like
1. M S Word
2. Google Docs
3. Citation Machine
In this session, how to cite using the MLA citation style was taught, and brief information on different 7th, 8th, and 9th MLA edition styles. It informed us to cite images and social media posts. In short, it informed us of the importance of citation in the research, and this is the best way to show our gratitude to the person on whose basis we are going further in our research.
Thank you.

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