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1. Indian Families 

In India, we have large and short families. In large families there are two or three generations together. Family has many benefits but one has to sacrifice in order to gain benefits. It's about accepting others' decisions more than our own. Children learn values, respect, to care for one another from family. 

Today due to jobs and higher education, people have to leave their family and city for better prospects. In this way today larger families are getting shorter. Then they settle in a new place and live with other people there and consider them as part of their family. 

2. Concept of Family 

Today family is more wider concept rather than just blood relations. It's about sharing common ideals, goals. It's about undermining one another. Today many institutions and organizations also form a family like bond in their own way. Family is to share joys and sorrows together. Family multiplies our joys and divides our sorrows. Family helps us in all days of life, it helps us to go through ups and downs with ease. 

Sometimes some friends who love us also become part of our family. Family is about understanding one another and helping each other. It's about love, care, trust and mutual harmony. Family is celebration of unity, joy of togetherness. It's about feelings and emotions that we share. It's being able to understand that others are more important than our own personal ego or personal gain. It's about being able to help and love and care for others more than our own self. 

3. Family Some Special Benefits 

There are many benefits that we gain by simply being a part of family. First that no one can harm us. We face life with confidence. We avoid many mental disorders by being supported by our family. When one cares for one another, when we share our tears, our problems, our difficulties then we get support to face all these with confidence, to face life and to stand firm against all mountains and to move these mountains. Family becomes our source of strength and courage. It's a fuel that helps to run the train of life. It's not easy to walk alone, so family becomes our strength and we get hope and faith to live life fruitfully. 

4. Family as a Garden

Just as garden needs to be maintained with proper care, watered regularly in a same way family also needs to be cared in order to remain green. Family needs to be watered by care and support, to be feed with sunshine of love. 

"A family that eats together stays together."

We need to spend some time with our family. May be by eating together or by traveling together or by simply going for a walk together. All these little things and the time we spend together helps us to love one another and to understand each other in a better way. To spare some time for our family and loved one inspite of our busy schedule helps us to boost our life through some emotions like that of being loved, cared and supported by each other.

5. Life is like a train and family our fuel

The above line is very true. For a train to run a fuel is a must. We need someone to support us to love us no matter what. It can be our family or the ones who are closely related to us and love us more than our family. Life is a long journey and we cannot travel alone. We always need to be a part of our family. Even if we are far from our family still we can be connected with each other through various ways like video calling, whatsapp, etc. When we cannot go ahead in life then our family pushes us to go ahead. It picks us up and helps us to get back on our track. 

6. In Giving is all that we Receive 

The love, care we give to our family members, to our loved ones is going to come back to us. 

"The good you give shall come back to you, the evil you do shall remain with you."

Sometimes we have to give the care and then they care for us and the bond forms. This is the bond of love, emotions, feelings, the unsaid promises, that we share with our family and loved ones. 

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