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Visit to an Art Gallery

Hello Friends, 

This blog is my response to the task given to us by our Prof. Dr.DilipSir in thinking activity on our visit to the Khodidas Parmar Art Gallery, Ajanta Exhibition on 26 September, 2021, Sunday. So read, understand and enjoy. Happy Learning!

In our visit, we saw many paintings by experts. Paintings have their own importance inspite of the invention of camera and photography. Paintings can express the moments, feelings of the painter and the surrounding atmosphere, and the tone of the society. It shows the mood of the time, something that words can express is shown through still paintings. 

"Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique, deconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce his own meanings out of it by an activity of semantic 'freeplay' (Derrida, 1978, in Lodge, 1988, p. 108)."

The written word, in Derrida's view, relies upon its meaning via the context in which it is embedded. Both signified and signifier, though, are related in such a way that

there is, with respect to the very structure of language, no proper context to provide proof of a final meaning' [there is a process of continual deferral] (Lechte, 1994, p. 109).

 So, looking at the above arguments given by Derrida, we come to a point that language is not enough to express everything. Language cannot be reliable. One sentence may have more than one meaning. So, to express human psychology in a unique way, we have another alternative and that is paintings. What cannot be said or expressed through words can be best expressed through still paintings, images, colours, graphics. So, let's study these beautiful paintings of the art exhibition. 

From the point of view of Cultural Studies, these paintings are one of the way to study culture of that time and to study it in present context, to get the historical sense, history teaches us certain things and helps us to find solutions to our present problems and to avoid mistakes. It shows how humans have struggled through all the many years, and lived the life in a better way, how they have overcome colonialism and maintained balance in culture and kept their traditions alive. 

I have always loved the idea of telling a picture story. So let's study the below paintings and try to give some new interpretations. 

This photo is of the heavy rains, when we finished visiting the exhibition. It was night time and we had to wait till the rains slow down. 

Monsoon at its peak and in the last phase. The place is Zaverchand Meghani Auditorium, but we can get the sense of its beauty and cleanliness. Plants and cars make it look more luxurious. Cars also denote that the place is not very deserted. 

In this photo we can see the water shining due to light, the place looks more silent, calm and lonely. As it's raining so it looks empty. Photos capture those things which our eyes may not have observed at that time.

This photo give a mixed look, rural and urban. Cart symbolises past whereas cars symbolises present time and the modern look. Dustbin is a symbol that tells that the place is clean everywhere and all garbage in one bin. 

This is the closer view of the beautiful cart. Here cart is in the center and car is in periphery. The is looking quite new with its beautiful combination of red body and silver wheel with black rim. It's a beautiful piece of art. Sometimes in very modern hotels and restaurants we find such historical things that gives a modern look. A unique combination of past with the present. 

These is a painting in which we suppose that one is a Saint and the other person has come to him for some solution or some guidance. But the girl shown behind doesn't seem to be real but as if she is a part of the frame. In the painting also we find two trees behind. So trees are our part of life since the life of humans on Earth or even before it. The look of one person who is standing is looking tensed and the person sitting is looking empathetic towards him and as if giving some advice. This bond in human relations is what matters the most even today also, that is to understand each other.

Flowers are classic in paintings since ages, there is no decrease in its importance. Today also floral paintings, also floral clothing occupy a very special place in market. 

Elephant symbolises strength, vastness and its humble nature. Painter has added some designer elements around it to make it more decorative and modern. The elephant's one leg is bent half, one leg in up, as if the elephant is walking down the lane.

This painting is showing calmness, eyes looking down and a flower in hand. The head is covered with precious stones studded on it. Long hairs denote the primitive life of humans when men also used to have long hairs before hair cut came into existence. 

This is a combine photo of six paintings together. Photo is quick and easy like fast food, but paintings are like Indian food that takes time to make. Paintings are imagination of human mind along with the combination of real life elements. This we can observe in many paintings. 

In this painting we can see a cheerful elephant. Wonderful use of colour and shades with just three main colors but it gives a decent and an artistic look to the whole painting.

This is also a beautiful painting of Buddha in calm pose. The floral border makes the painting look very much attractive and decorative. These paintings tells us that the best human mood is to be calm under all circumstances in life. The only way to be blissful is to remain calm always. That will bring all the health and happiness in our inner state of mind.

Thank you. 

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