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Derrida and Deconstruction

 Hello Friends, 

This blog is my response to the task assigned to us by our Prof. Dr. DilipSir in thinking activity of Derrida and Deconstruction. So read, understand and enjoy. Happy Learning!

How to Deconstruct a Text?How to Deconstruct a Text?

"Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique."

"Do not naturalize what is not natural."

"Deconstruction insists not that truth is illusory but that truth is institutional."


▪ Deconstruction is a philosophical movement spearheaded by French thinker Jacques Derrida and other critics during the 1960s.

▪ As a literary theory, it focuses on exposing cultural biases in all texts,whether a passage in a popular book or the flashing script of a television ad.

▪ Readers engaged in deconstruction analyze words and sentences to identify inherent biases and call into question commonplace interpretationsof the text.

▪ While this may sound presumptuous or cynical on the front end, deconstruction isn’t about destroying meaning. Rather, it’s about undermining ingrained assumptions to viewview things in in a new light(Neuffer,“How to Deconstruct a Text.”).

Deconstruction as Literary Criticism

 ▪︎ Deconstruction, as applied in the criticism of literature, designates a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to "subvert" or or "undermine" the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meanings of aliterary text.

▪ Typically, a deconstructive reading sets out to show that conflicting forces withinwithin the text itself serve to dissipate the seeming definiteness of its structure and meanings into an indefinite array of incompatible and undecidable undecidable possibilities.


For more details please click below slideshare link:

Deconstruction of A short story 

Crime And Punishment 


In this story the child is very much pampered by his parents to such an extent that he even starts blackmailing his teacher. This generally happens among rich family children and when teacher is in need of job. 

But when we see that normally not all teachers will tolerate such a nonsense acts of a child. In school, Principal has to take care of thousands of children so to take care of one child particularly is impossible. A child may be prince in his home but in school he has to follow the rules and regulations and cannot simply do his own will. 

When later child grows up and becomes more disobedient than ultimately parents have to suffer. It becomes very difficult for even parents also to handle such over pampered child. So it's advisable to keep children in better discipline from childhood only so as to avoid regrets later on. When a child is slapped in childhood for his mistakes he will never repeat those mistakes ever again in life. In this way children should be shaped in a best possible way so that when he/she grows up he will be thankful to his own parents for making him/her a better and more responsible person. 


Parents play a very vital role in the development of their own child. They should not simply blame the teachers for the misbehavior of their own child. Parents have to take care of their children, especially in the school level. They have to take care of their discipline, education, studies, academic activities, and the overall development of a child. They are not suppose to blame teachers for their misconduct whether in studies or any other activities. Parents have one or two child to handle but teacher has to manage the whole class. Parents have to deal with their child all the years of their life, while for teacher that child may be for few years only. So it's more of parents' responsibility to take care of their children or ultimately they are the one who may have to suffer along with the children. 

★ Role of A Teacher

A good teacher will never surrender himself or herself at the demands of a naughty pampered child. A good teacher must be strict enough to scold the child, to punish the child when he or she is wrong. This will hurt the child for sometime, but later on if child takes it positively then it is for the good of child only. It's not always easy to tackle a child but a good teacher always knows how to handle his or her children without doing any kind of partiality. There are teachers who sometimes only give importance to toppers only but don’t care for backbenchers but a good teacher will never or should never do that. For a teacher all his or her children are equally important. 

But when children misbehave or hurt the feelings and emotions of a teacher as seen in the story of "Crime And Punishment" then teacher may stop caring for such students. But teacher has to keep lots of patience in order to improve his or her children. It's not easy to tackle children but with experience and practice one can become a best teacher who knows how to bring children on the right track and how to help them to be successful in life. 

All students cannot become toppers but every student has to perform some role in life which no one else can play. So a good teacher helps them to achieve their goals in life. 

But as seen normally nobody cares for students, most of the teachers only bother about their own life. They come, teach and go away. They get their salary and they are happy with that. Because to make children improve is not an easy task infact it's a challenge and sometimes it causes even threat to life of teacher or may be at the cost of his or her own job. So for the sake of job many teachers don't bother about the life of children or their future. 

★ Role of Parents 

As we have seen, teachers have many limitations so they cannot tackle the children properly. So a child becomes totally the responsibility of his or her parents. No teacher can handle a child better than his or her own parents. Parents should not blame teachers for the poor performance of their own child. A child is mostly the responsibility of the parents rather than any teacher or a school. 

"I will tell them," sobbed the boy.

"Oh, no, no, no," appealed to the teacher. He looked about cautiously.

" I'll tell my mother," said the boy.

According to the parents, the boy was a little angel, all dimples, smiles, and sweetness only wings lacking.

The above statement is very much a problematic. This tells that

"Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique.anguage bears within itself the necessity of its own critique."

For every parent their child is an angel. Especially rich parents treat their children in this way. But too much of love should not may spoil the children. So both love and strictness are needed to make a child the best of all he or she can be. 

"There is an time and place for everything in this world."

There is time to play but when it comes to studies and responsibilities, parents need to be very strict like that of POLICE

then only naughty and lazy and pampered child will study. Just as sun and rain both are needed to form a beautiful rainbow, in a same way love and strictness both are needed for the overall development of a child. It's not always easy for parents to become strict but they need to be, because too much of love will only spoil their child. It's of no use.

He was their only child, they had abundant affection and ample money. They built up a nursery, bought him expensive toys, fitted up miniature furniture sets, gave him a small pedal motor-car to go about in all over the garden. They filled up his cupboard with all kinds of sweets and biscuits, and left it to his good sense to devour them moderately. They believed great deal in leaving things that way."


‘Crime and Punishment’ by R K Narayan is a fine presentation of today’s troubled teacher student relationship. The story throws light on the attitude of the parents in shaping a child as well.  

★Teacher’s crime The teacher asked the question several times, but the child gave the wrong answer repeatedly. Clearly, the child was doing it on purpose to fool the teacher. It was too much for the teacher, and having lost his patience he slapped on his cheek. Quickly he regained control and realized the trouble, but the child started crying. He threatened him to report the matter with his parents. 

★Parents’ attitude The parents considered him a little angel without wings. They gave him abundant affection and ample money. A nursery was set up near the house with necessary furniture and sweets in the cupboard. He went around the garden in a pedal motor car. The parents believed that any suppression of his feelings would prevent his development as a healthy citizen. Every day before the class the parents gave the teacher a set of instructions regarding child psychology. However, he knew that without using cane at times he would not become a normal citizen. 

★ The punishment The child now commanded him to stop the lesson for the day. The teacher had no other option but to obey the child. He wanted to play the engine and the teacher would be the station master. Even though the teacher was unwilling, the boy’s blackmailing made him do whatever he demanded. When the engine stopped he asked him to repair it. But the teacher was absolutely non-mechanical and could not even turn a screw of it. Now he demanded the teacher to tell stories. When he finished he wanted him to repeat. Already exhausted by taking class for long he refused it. Now the child ran out to report the incident to the parents. He ran after the child around the garden and at last collapsed on the portico step.  

★The excuse Meanwhile the parents emerged from the house. The teacher now regained strength to tell the truth openly. 

But when the father asked about the boy’s performance in Maths, his face fell. He hid himself behind his parents and begged the teacher not to betray him. The teacher now came to his rescue. He said he was alright and would catch up. He also presented his excuse that they were just playing in order to keep up the spirit of the boy.

In below video we can see how a child fools her teacher in order to leave the school. So teachers also need to be very strong and not to easily come under any emotional influence of a child. Because children are very smart, tricky and may easily fool a teacher if teacher is very emotional or liberal. 

1,825 Words.

Thank you. 

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