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The Great Dictator Frame Study

 Hello Friends, 

This blog is my response to the task given to us by our Prof.Dr.DilipSir on the frame study in the film of Charlie Chaplin "The Great Dictator", so have look, read and enjoy, Happy Learning!

This frame shows the Aeroplane, it symbolises progress, prosperity, peace. It makes our journey more easy and saves our time while travelling. It's above us and tells us to look up at our dreams and fly to achieve them. 

The Great Dictator is a 1940 American political satire comedy-drama film written, directed, produced, scored by, and starring British comedian Charlie Chaplin, following the tradition of many of his other films. Having been the only Hollywood filmmaker to continue to make silent films well into the period of sound films, Chaplin made this his first true sound film.

Chaplin's film advanced a stirring condemnation of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, fascism, antisemitism, and the Nazis. At the time of its first release, the United States was still formally at peace with Nazi Germany and neutral during what were the early days of World War II. Chaplin plays both leading roles: a ruthless fascist dictator and a persecuted Jewish barber.

Sycophancy - Bhakti in politics is sure way towards dictatorship. Nowadays people do lot of such sycophancy using money. Through this we see lots of corruption taking place in every field. To such an extent that people buy degrees by using the money power. 
This reminds me the tragedy of the King Lear by the William Shakespeare that how the flattery works but in the end the truth is revealed and results into a very painful tragedy.

"King Lear divides his kingdom among the two daughters who flatter him and banishes the third one who loves him. His eldest daughters both then reject him at their homes, so Lear goes mad and wanders through a storm."

This image is also of Aeroplane, it takes turns while travelling if needed, it tells us to take risks in life, life isn't always smooth, until and unless we don't take risks, we cannot achieve success. 

This image shows three planes in the sky, this is a very rare sight, and at such times the pilot has to be utmost careful in order to avoid accident. This is seen at the time of national festivals, celebrations or at the time of war but it's a very rare ocassion. But nowadays when many people are travelling through planes, it may be a common sight also.

This image shows a huge machine gun that was used in the military and wars in earlier times. It's all the blessing of science and technology. But actually war is futile, it never brings any peace but in it many innocent people are killed. So such inventions of science may seem to be of great help but in a long run they are not helpful or beneficial to mankind.

The above lines tells us that the film is about a story between two world wars, people had lost their humanity, their ability to think in the right direction, they had lost the kindness, they had forgetten the difference between pain and pleasure. This happens due to the absence of love, friendship among the poeple. It gives rise to hatred and when it takes the bigger form it takes the shape of a war. But war like big thing also develops from small seeds of hatred, selfishness among the people. And only solution could be is love and care for one another among the family and society at large.

This image shows the small girl child with a very pleasant smile on her face giving flowers to the leader. So it shows that flower are used in the past and even today also in each and occasion of life. Flowers symbolise beauty, love, happiness, peace, joy. When they are given to somebody then shows the respect and love for the person. It tells of the BEST WISHES that are conveyed to the person who receives them.

This image shows a small plane in which only two people can accommodate, but interesting fact is that the watch with chain is upright against gravitational force, it means that the plane is inverted and the two persons in the plane aren't aware of it yet. The plane is open without covering and it shows the plane in those days and the aeroplanes, supersonic jets nowadays we're having in our present times. So it tells that progress is the inevitable part of life in each and every field of life. 

This image shows the Charlie Chaplin playing the huge piano. So one needs entertainment always in life to get our mood fresh, to get relaxed. Entertainment also includes luxury and only some and have it. So all the success in life, the busy schedule and the multitasking, in the end longs for something that brings enjoyment, that gives refreshment and so humans search various ways to keep themselves happy and relaxed in the midst of all the huge responsibilities. These is very much necessary in order to maintain a good mental health and it's not the waste of time.

This image shows the political leader receiving flowers. Flowers symbolise respect, admiration, love. Flowers are evergreen because they were used in those days also and now also flowers are very important in many occasions, they are used to facilitate the chief guests, the members in many events, to welcome the members, a way of expressing gratitude. Flowers are also used as gifts in form of bouquets in weddings, parties, and to express our love for our loved ones. Flowers brighten our mood, brings positivity. When a person who receives the flowers also gives a respect to the person who gives them. It's important to accept the gifts, bouquets from the people who give because they have respect, admiration and love for the person, a way of expressing gratitude, and if the person rejects to accept it, it breaks the heart, it is something that shows that the person is not worthy enough to give them a bouquet or any other form of token. 

This frame shows the soldiers giving respect to the higher officials. The background shows the ancient picture, it shows the height of the trees is almost equal to the height of the building. 

This frames shows that the dictator is playing with the globe. This shows that the way they rule is also like they're playing with the world. This harms the life of common people, such leaders should not be welcomed. They will lead to the destruction of the place they lead or rule. People in power position should be aware that they themselves are also part of the world and a game they play on others will even affect their own lives too. 

This frame shows the shine on the face of a girl just as the star shines in the sky. As if after some long sadness, a ray of hope has emerged. It also shows surprise, shock, a sudden spontaneous reaction to some good news that has brightened the girl's face and a twinkle in her eyes.

This frame shows the inverted image of the plane and the man hanging under it. This is very rare in real life. It tells that somtimes life puts us into very strange and very dangerous situations where we're at the verge of death, but somehow with the grace of the God we're safe and rescued. We get a new life after undergoing the tragic situation in life. 

This image shows the comic behaviour of Chaplin when he's told something and it's unbelievable for him. As if something that's too big for him to accept it. Here Chaplin climbs the curtain as the monkey climbs the tree. But these amusing ways of Chaplin has made him the star of the films and is even well known and remembered for his comedy. When life becomes unbearable, full of tensions, Chaplin reminds us to invent laughter from it. Laughter makes our life more easy to live in, a better place on the Earth. A man has to invent laughter after facing the tragedies of life. Otherwise life is nothing without tears because there are so many pains, struggles that laughter keeps the things in balance. This balance is very much necessary to live a happy life.

This frame shows that even great political leaders do have love for small children because even leaders are also human beings. Children are symbol of innocence. They are dependent on the elders. When a child is treated in a good manner, then that child becomes a good human being, good citizen and a good leader in future. Children need love and care, they are the gift of God to us. Every child on the Earth brings a message that God still loves the world. Jawaharlal Nehru loved the children a lot and so his birth anniversary is celebrated as children's day on the 14th November. Children are full of trust and love and are very good. But the surroundings change them and then when they grow up, they lose the trust and love. It's the selfishness of the surroundings, the crimes and many such things makes humans lose their innocence, they become more and more sceptical and money minded. We should learn to get back the innocence, love from children. We have lost them so while teaching or playing with children, we need to learn a lot from our little friends. 


1,585 Words.

Works Cited

•  The Great Dictator. Directed by Charlie Chaplin, 1940.

•  "The Great Dictator." - Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 25 Apr. 2021, Accessed 27 Apr. 2021.

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