Committee Members, Khushbu Lakhupota Sneha Agravat Hello Friends, In this blog there is the report of the celebrations that have taken place in the year 2020 to 2022 in Department of English, MKBU. "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." – Henry Ford 1. International Yoga Day 2. ICT Day 3. Teacher’s Day 4. Farewell Function 5. Welcome Function 6. Independence Day 7. Republic Day 8. Virtual Literary Fest 2020 9. Hindi Day 10. Research & Dissertation writing workshop 4 Jan 2022 11. Translation Workshop 12. Research Methodology Workshop 7 Jan 2022 “People of our time are losing the power of celebration. Instead of celebrating we seek to be amused or entertained. Celebration is an active state, an act of expressing reverence or appreciation. To be entertained is a passive state-it is to receive pleasure afforded by an amusing act or a spectacle.... Celebration is a confrontation, givi...
07 Conclusion In the novel, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy, there are many marginalized characters portrayed. But Roy is keeping these characters in the center and speaking on their behalf trying to give voice to them. There are dalits, muslims, untouchables, women, kashmiris, hijras and such characters that are left out from the mainstream of the society. In this research, the focus is on the transgender identities. Anjum is the protagonist in the first half of the novel. She undergoes many struggles. At first she had to leave her parents’ home and move to Khwabgah, then after thirty years spending there she also had to leave Khwabgah and move to a graveyard. In all these circumstances she single handedly managed to come out of many of the unpleasant situations of life. She emerges as a successful person regardless of her gender. She has also become the supporting system through her Jannat Guest House. In her guest house all the downtrodden, rejecte...