Hello Friends, This blog is my response to the task assigned to us by our Prof.Dr.DilipSir on Bonfire and how it is celebrated worldwide in different ways. So let's read and enjoy, Happy Learning! The first day of the Holi is known as 'Holika Dahan' or Chhoti Holi and the second is Rangwali Holi, Dhuleti, Dhulandi, or Dhulivandan, where people play with colours. ... On the day of Holika Dahan, people gather their friends and relatives around a bonfire and celebrate Holika Dahan by singing various songs and rhymes. Happy Holi to everyone on the festival of colours...colours indeed have the magic to paint our lives and make them super amazing.... Let's have a look at the poem on colours- "It's a splash of colours with red, white and blue. Many times life is tough and we hardly have a clue. A dash of red with mostly grey, Wonder why we're fated to become destiny's prey. Memories play games with minds leaving us brazen, The wrong choice of colours can ofte...